When A Maid Captivates His Heart (Preview)


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Chapter One

Rose Henshaw stood and tried hard to pretend she was not admiring herself in the full length mirror that was situated in her mistresses bedchamber. After all the time over the previous weeks and the lessons that her mistress had imparted to her about how to present herself and how to act when in the company of other lords and ladies, it was only now, that she finally got to put on the gown.

Of course, she had admired her mistresses clothes often, but it had always been from afar, either when she hung them in the huge wardrobe already filled with beautiful garments, or upon her mistresses person herself on her days out attending functions or visiting with friends and acquaintances. Yet, observing them on another was not quite the same as being adorned in them herself, and Rose could not help but feel rather elegant dressed in the exquisite fabric that she was far from used to wearing.

Whilst Rose and her mistress were near enough the same age, there being about a year between them, there was a slight difference in their size, for whilst Rose was average in height and slender, Lady Maxine Montague was a little shorter and a little rounder in places. At no time had that deterred Lady Maxine, for she was determined for her rather unorthodox plan to go ahead and after much pinching and tucking, the gown looked as though it had been made for Rose herself. 

On first glance of herself in the mirror, Rose had struggled to repress a gasp, for whilst she had never admired herself in such attractive garb, the circumstances did not call for any celebration. Yet, she still could not deny, having never been dressed in anything other than her ordinary clothes and perhaps, a simple pretty muslin frock for church on Sunday’s, that she was not quite amazed at the transformation that the mirror reflected back to her. 

Apart from the unexpected feelings with the result of all of Lady Maxine’s pulling and tugging and adjusting, it had been the most bizarre experience. Rose had been Lady Maxine’s personal maid since they were both young, for she had come into the employ of the household when Lady Maxine was only 12 years old and Rose had only reached her eleventh birthday. She had attended to her mistresses hair and her dress every day since for the last thirteen years, apart from the few allotted days off of which she was entitled. Yet, with the tables turned entirely, it was Lady Maxine who now attended to her, fussing around the gown to ensure it was a perfect fit and checking that Rose’s hair held immaculately.  

This situation would never have occurred under any other circumstances, a fact of which Rose was well aware, even without the constant reminders of her mistress. The bizarre situation in which she now found herself, had been thought up by Lady Maxine alone and in that vein, Lady Maxine was quite determined, at least in the beginning, that this ruse would be kept between herself and Rose. 

Yet, in the weeks of planning and conniving previous to this very evening, Rose could not help but wonder how that would be possible. The other servants may well witness her leaving the house, or when the driver of Lady Maxine’s carriage would have to help her in and out going to and from her destination, how would they explain it? 

Whilst her mistress did want to be made a fool of again, Rose could not help feeling that it would be impossible for questions not to be asked and after mentioning her concerns to Lady Maxine, the reality became a little clearer. Under the threat of immediate dismissal, those in the household were sworn to secrecy and whilst Rose counted herself a friend of her mistress, she did not doubt, after all the events that had occurred in the previous months, that she would not carry out her word.

Rose could not say she was unsatisfied with her life. She had decent lodgings and board, and though she had lost her parents some years back, she at least had secure employment for the foreseeable future. It was the best she could have hoped for given her own lower class background and yet, just like every other maid, she had dreamed many times, what it would be like to live a lady’s life. 

When alone in her room once her work was finished, Rose enjoyed reading and devoured many books that she borrowed from Lady Maxine’s library. Sometimes, they were novels of great lady’s doing great things or of romance where the heroine, being of strong mind, battled through emotional turmoil to remain steadfast in her principles. It was usually after these stories that Rose allowed her mind to wander and, envisaging how graceful she would feel in those beautifully made gowns, and how pleasant it would be to be treated with the respect that those in the upper classes received, she would allow herself to daydream of a life that would never be hers. 

Yet, she did not allow herself to get carried away and become melancholy. It was simply not to be and whilst the daydream allowed her to fantasize, she was grounded enough to know that that would never be her life. There was never a circumstance where she could ever imagine   that she would get a chance to live out her fantasy, even for one evening, for that is what it had always been, just a dream of whimsical imagining, and yet, that is exactly where she now found herself.

Though she had been fortunate to be well educated by her parents, for they were both determined that if she were to work in a household, she would be assigned a job as a lady’s companion or maid, Rose was well used to being ignored by the upper class or in fact, any visitors or guests that would grace Lady Maxine with their presence. She was a maid and maids were not of any importance. It was the life she had resigned herself to and, knowledgeable enough to know she had a reasonable place with her position, took to her work with determined effort and pride. 

Yet, she could not have foreseen how the dreadful circumstances that occurred only two months previously, would impact her life so thoroughly. Nor could she have imagined, that all those whimsical daydreams of living the life of a lady could ever come to fruition. However, as the poet and playwright, William Congreve wrote in his play, The Mourning Bride, ‘Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, nor Hell a fury like a woman scorned’. And Lady Maxine was indeed scorned.

Coming into Lady Maxine’s life in a rather swift manner, for they met through a mutual friend and had not known of each other beforehand, Lord Glenburn had not only swept Lady Maxine off her feet, but after only a short time of knowing each other, had asked for Lady Maxine’s hand in marriage. Of course, having spent days with them as a chaperone in their courtship, Rose had watched as her mistresses heart had soon been lost to him and Lady Maxine had been utterly thrilled at his proposal, for she could hardly believe that she had at last, found true love. 

Spending many hours in preparation, Rose had been by her side as they had discussed what would need to be done for the wedding and her mistress had regaled her with what a wonderful day it would be. Lady Maxine had already imagined all the higher society she would invite and who would attend to witness her marriage to Lord Glenburn. Her friends had been delighted for her in their visits and they had all agreed that it was to be a grand wedding, and no doubt, the entire event would be talked about throughout London. 

Having chosen her bridesmaids and sent out the invitations, Lady Maxine had travelled into town and bought a rather exquisite wedding dress with a veil to match, and Rose could not help but delight in her mistresses happiness, for she could not say she had ever seen her so exhilarated. Lady Maxine had been completely besotted, not only with the picture of what her future would look like, but with the love she felt for Lord Glenburn and to that end, she could hardly wait to become his wife.

Neither Rose nor Lady Maxine could have ever imagined though, how quickly everything was to crumble and the dreadful pain that the supposedly wonderful, Lord Glenburn would cause Rose’s mistress. The grand wedding had been planned to take place next month, however, it had now been eight weeks since Lord Glenburn had eloped, running away with another woman and marrying her in haste.

Rose could hardly believe that the man would do such a thing, for even witnessing the two of them together, it appeared that both he and Lady Maxine were gleefully happy. But when she had heard a more fuller story amongst the gossip of the servants when down in the kitchen, it became very clear, that perhaps Lord Glenburn was not quite the gentleman he had portrayed himself to be. 

Apparently, Lord Glenburn had known this other woman many years ago and had been childhood sweethearts. When her family moved away, they were separated and went on to live different lives. Having not seen each other in many years, Lord Glenburn was surprised when she came back into his life in a chance encounter, and it became clear, all the feelings they had had for each other all those years ago, had returned. Perhaps, Rose surmised, they had never left.

Yet, even with her discovery of what had happened, Rose could still not condone his behaviour. If he did indeed, find out that he was still madly in love with another woman, why not simply cut the engagement with Lady Maxine and wait a suitable period of time to court and marry the woman later on, rather than humiliating Lady Maxine so publicly?

The cowardly man had not even come to see Lady Maxine to inform her that the engagement was over. Instead, he had sent a missive, simply apologising and telling her he must follow the yearnings of his heart and that he would not have been truly happy in a life with her, knowing that this other woman still felt the same for him. In the end, it had all been about his happiness and the message, whilst apologetic, had hardly acknowledged the pain and heartache he had caused Lady Maxine.

To say the poor lady had been heartbroken would be quite the understatement, for she did not leave her bedchamber for nearly two weeks. Rose had tried her very best in her attempt to soothe and comfort her, but there was little one could do when a person’s heart was in tiny pieces. For the first week, she had hardly let anything pass her lips and Rose feared for her health. In the following week, Lady Maxine had at least took some thin soup, which, if nothing else, had kept her hydrated.

There were many tears and much self-pity to begin with, but as the weeks had passed, the pity had turned to anger and Lady Maxine had grown furious at the entire situation. With her rage came a deep sense of injustice and she had desired to know, with a passion, what this woman had that she did not, and what she might do to win Lord Glenburn back.

Rose felt, but had never voiced it, that her idea of winning him back was rather pointless. Besides the fact that he was now, indeed married, why would Lady Maxine want to spend her life with a man who had treated her so dreadfully? He had humiliated her in front of all society and, having to announce that both the engagement and the wedding were now cancelled, Lady Maxine had hardly felt able to show her face since.

It made little sense to Rose, why Lady Maxine would want to chase after such a man, and yet, she was resigned to keep quiet and keep her feelings to herself. It was the furious injustice that had compelled Lady Maxine to discover information on her ex-betrothed and new bride and in her determination, had concocted a rather extravagant plan. A plan of which, Rose was now the centre and with the demise of her mistresses temperament, had had little choice but to reluctantly acquiesce, for fear that she may well be dismissed if she did not go along with it.

Chapter Two

Lady Maxine had spent the last few weeks instructing Rose on how to act in the company of society, and though it was not anything that Rose did not already know, for she had attended functions and accompanied Lady Maxine on visits to her friends and acquaintances houses often, Lady Maxine was still single-minded in her resolution. The invite to the ball that evening had arrived several weeks ago, which had given Lady Maxine the exact opportunity to now put her plan into action.

The strategy sounded simple, but as with many complex ideas, it was often easier said than actually carried out. Rose was to attend the ball as a lady of society and discover all she could about Lord Glenburn and his new wife. She was then to report back all she had learned to her mistress, though Rose was still confused as to what end it would serve. The man was now married to another woman entirely and any information on one or both of them, could hardly be any use, for even in her ramblings and determination of needing to know, Lady Maxine had not specifically stated how the information could be used to her benefit.

At first, Rose had worried that if she were to get too close, Lord Glenburn may well recognise her, but Lady Maxine had assured her that once she was dressed as a lady, there was no possible way he would mistake her for a servant. Besides, her mistress had continued, the man had hardly given Rose a second glance when he had spent time with Lady Maxine, as was the usual way with the upper class. Rose of course, could hardly argue with that point, for she knew well, that Lady Maxine’s perception was true. For the most part, she would be doubtful if he could even recall her name, for she could not remember one time he had actually interacted with her in the time he had been courting Lady Maxine.

‘Now, I think you will do. It is hardly perfection, but given how you are dressed and if you do everything I have instructed, and you must follow my instructions to the letter, Rose,’ Lady Maxine emphasised firmly. ‘Then I think it may just work,’ she said, walking around Rose and appraising her with a derogatory gaze as though she were an item of possession that she was not entirely happy with.

‘My lady, I am still concerned…’

‘We have discussed this, Rose. It will be fine.’ The curt tone cut Rose off mid speech, yet, even fearing she would be reprimanded, Rose could not help herself, for her fear of going to this ball was currently much greater than any fear of discipline from her mistress.

‘Yet, what if I am discovered? Perhaps someone will see right through this entire ruse and know that I am not a lady at all. What if I come upon someone who recognises me and I am found out?’

‘You think anyone looking at you now will know you are my maid?’ Lady Maxine near snorted. ‘Come now, Rose, you have never looked so fine. Anyone who even glanced at you would not, for a second think, that you were some lowly servant. We have worked too hard and too long for this to fail now. If you do as I have taught you, nothing can happen and no one will discover you. Now, swallow your fear and lift up your chin. Remember what I have told you, for I do not need to remind you of the consequences of you not doing what I ask of you.’

‘Yes, my lady,’ Rose replied sheepishly.

How could she forget, for it mattered little that there had been years of history between them, Lady Maxine was still her mistress and Rose was still a servant. Lady Maxine had made it perfectly clear that if her instructions were not followed, Rose could be replaced in the morrow. 

Whereas Rose had always thought there was a friendship between them of sorts, the recent circumstances had changed Lady Maxine and the pleasantness of her previous temperament had been buried beneath her anger and bitterness. She had not been a bad mistress to her over the years, but since this whole debacle with Lord Glenburn, Lady Maxine’s broken heart appeared to have hardened and she now took out her pain on anyone who might be near her.

Still, whilst Lady Maxine’s disposition had changed over the last several weeks, Rose could not help but feel sorry for her. She had observed her being so deliriously happy with her upcoming wedding and the idea of a wonderful future with her new husband. In fact, Rose had near celebrated with her. But the abruptness of the sudden change had damaged her immensely, for her world had been so swiftly dashed to pieces as the hope of her happy ever after had been snatched from her grasp, and on top of the heartache, the public humiliation had been too much to bear. Rose doubted that any other person could have handled it differently, for it could do little to a persons outlook other than make them bitter. 

Perhaps it had impacted her mistress even more deeply, because Lady Maxine had not really garnered much attention from many gentleman before that. Whilst her brown eyes were quite genteel and complemented her brown hair fittingly, she had always been a rather plain woman. Unlike her more glamourous and prettier friends, Lady Maxine hardly turned heads when she walked into a room, and reaching the age of twenty-five, she had perhaps started to worry for her future. 

It was something she had heard Lady Maxine complain about often, when her lady friends came to visit, for no one wanted to be left behind when it came to being wedded. Though her friends, in their fickle support, or so Rose felt by their near sneering comments, had always dismissed her derogatory remarks about herself and having near ignored her concern, had continued talking about themselves. 

Therefore, when Lord Glenburn who, Rose had to admit, was hardly strikingly handsome himself, had suddenly set his sights upon her, Lady Maxine had been delighted. Finally, she had now caught the attention of a man who wanted to spend his life with her, for the idea of being left as a spinster appeared, in Lady Maxine’s eyes and the eyes of her friends anyway, like some dreadful curse.

Rose would never say such a thing, for she would likely be fired on the spot, but she had realised, that Lady Maxine had grabbed onto the idea of marriage to a man she hardly knew, far too quickly. It almost felt like an act of desperation, though Rose could not deny that Lady Maxine had appeared to have deep feelings for the man. Yet, perhaps in her fear of being left behind, she had allowed herself to believe that she loved Lord Glenburn, when in actual fact, it had been more the idea of being married that she had fallen in love with, and if that indeed was the case, it had only made the entire betrayal of Lord Glenburn so much worse.

It mattered little now, for the man had run off and married another woman and there was little Lady Maxine could do about it, which only concerned Rose more. She was being sent to this ball on this evening to spy on the man and to bring back information, and as she now regarded herself in the full length mirror one last time, the strange discomfort in the pit of her stomach caused her mind to race with what she had allowed herself to be forced into. 

If Lady Maxine was wrong and she was to be found out, what would happen to her? She too, would be publicly humiliated and perhaps, to save face and distance herself from the scandal, Lady Maxine may well dismiss her anyway. Yet, what choice did she currently have? Lady Maxine had spent hours over the last few weeks, instructing Rose on how to sip tea, what topics to discuss, how to greet other nobles around her, and even how to dance. After all that time and effort, if she backed out now at the last minute, Rose had no doubt of the result, for in her current temperament, she knew well that Lady Maxine would punish her verily, and Rose simply had nowhere else to go.

Taking a deep breath in, Rose turned from the mirror, lifted her chin and clasped her reticule, attempting to ignore the nerves that had grown from a small tightening sensation and had now begun to bubble deep in her tummy. It was near the time for her to leave, for the carriage had already been summoned, yet Rose could not deny the fact that the idea of the evening that lay before her, terrified her. 

Not only was she attending this ball pretending to be a lady, but she was about to rub shoulders with the people she ordinarily would serve tea and cakes to. The notion of holding a conversation with such, caused her deep anxiety, for if she were to fail, there would be consequences that she did not wish to consider.

‘You need not worry, Rose. You are quite handsome in all your finery. Just remember, you are Lady Rose Finch and you are visiting London from York. It is only one ball, Rose. These people will never meet Lady Rose Finch again after tonight.’

‘Yes, my lady,’ Rose replied. 

She then turned and left the bedchamber and as she walked down the hallway to the staircase, realised she was about to face the most terrifying evening of her life so far.

“When A Maid Captivates His Heart” is an Amazon Best-Selling novel, check it out here!

Rose, even as a young child, often aspired to achieve a lifestyle beyond her social class, but as a lady’s maid, she could only dream of it. That all changes when her mistress, Lady Montague, sends her on a secret mission to infiltrate nobility in her place. Thrown into the depths of high society in the disguise of a lady, Rose soon attracts the attention of many lords and ladies, but only one captures hers. Lord Davenport, a tall and dashing gentleman who challenges Rose’s expectations, makes her face a battle within her. Whilst her common sense tells her it can never be, her heart yearns for a dreamy lifetime with the charming lord. She has no time to further explore their special connection though, as her mistress discovers her secret meetings with him and a harsh punishment awaits. How will she ever see her beloved Lord Davenport again if she is not in control of even her own life?

Edward Davenport was well used to the indulgences of his peers, and while the upper class seeked to enjoy themselves, Edward always found the societal gatherings a bit of a drag. That is until he meets a rather kindred spirit in Lady Rose Finch. Proving to be a pleasant and captivating surprise, she too expresses a distaste for small talk and extravagant gatherings, and her beauty and intelligence instantly captivate him. After encountering her on several occasions, Edward is perturbed by her sudden disappearance. Following a thorough search for her, he finally discovers not only her location, but what turns out to be shocking and confusing. After the revelation of her true identity, Edward must search in his heart to uncover if his feelings have changed, or if her mesmerising existence can surpass every doubt. After all, was Lady Rose Finch he fell in love with, or the girl behind the title?

In a beautiful story of two kindred spirits coming together, Rose and Edward find each other in the most unusual of circumstances. Rose feels conflicted between her feelings that have grown deeply for Lord Davenport and the harsh reality of her being a mere servant girl. Edward, thinking he has fallen for a lady, faces a truth that puts every decision he has made in question. Will class differences shatter their love for each other? Or will love transcend the societal division and ensure their bond stays strong no matter what?

“When A Maid Captivates His Heart” is a historical western romance novel of approximately 80,000 words. No cheating, no cliffhangers, and a guaranteed happily ever after.

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6 thoughts on “When A Maid Captivates His Heart (Preview)”

  1. Hello my dears, I hope you enjoyed the preview of my new book, it holds a special place in my heart! I will be waiting for your comments here, they mean so much to me! Thank you. 🙂

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